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Product Spotlights - Reviews

Esoteric DVD Review
Esoteric is an all wakeskate video by Scene One productions. Let me put it this way, I wouldn't call it "Eso-terrible."

UGP Wakeskate Shoe Review: The Gauntlet
I recently had the chance to try out UGP's new wakeskating shoe called the Gauntlet. My feet loved the shoes, but did I love the shoes? Read on!!

DVD Review: The Truth by Liquid Force/Justin Stephens
Justin Stephens never fails to impress, and the Liquid Force team is constantly stepping things up. The Truth is by far the best video to come out of Liquid Force. The riding is spot-on and Stephens has upped the standard of what should be expected from a filmmaker. Review Provided by

Counterfeit This
Riders: Danny Harf, George Daniels, Shawn Murray, Scott Byerly, Eric Ruck, Brandon Thomas, Parks Bonifay, Brian Grubb and Chad Sharpe

Wakeskate Review: The 06 Omen Revolt, The 05 Cassette Bi-Level and The 05 Integrity Lemons
Long time forum member OG (aka Nekkie) decided to write up a board review on three curiosity inciting boards.

Such Is Life Review
Do you need a good video to get you through the rest of the winter? Evan Park may have just what the Dr. ordered in his review of the Sidewayz film, Such Is Life.

Jetpilot Stylus Hydro Shoe
Jetpilot recently released the Stylus Hydro shoe for 2005. The Hydro shoe was made to dominate the water.

Fill In The Blanks Review breaks down the newest wakeskating film by director Kyle Conrad and Sidewayz.

Integrity Wakeskate Review took a closer look at the new wakeskate by Integrity Wake to see what the buzz was about. We put it to the test and was very impressed with the results.

DVS Dresden Mesh As Wakeskate Shoes
DVS Shoe company sent us the Dresden Mesh shoes to take for a test drive. Lightweight, functional and usable for other activities basically sums up the DVS Dresden's Mesh in one simple statement.

Kampus K Series Wakeskate Review
In 2003 Kampus Wakeskates introduced the K Series with the K39. In 2004 they added a bigger version in the K41 and sent us one to test ride. Now we know why Goerge Daniels choses to ride this deck.

Reef Byerly Wakeskate Shoe Review
Jacob Sagemuehl takes closer look at the Reef Byerly wakeskate shoes and answers the one question everyone seems to want to know, "Can I wear these shoes for every day use too?"

Asterisk Wakeskate Video Review (DVD)
Take nine of the top pro wakeskaters to a hidden riding spot in the middle of the desert, add some rails and a film crew, and you will have a recipe for some sick wakeskating.

Sfumato Review (VHS)
Sfumato is the second Cassette team video. It features the riding of Danny Hampson, Thomas Horrell, Drew McGuckin, Aaron Reed and Jim Leatherman. Before watching Sfumato, be prepared to have your mind blown.

Surf Expo 2003 Review
Paco De La Torre from took a trip to the big show in Orlando, FL and brought us back the skinny. Get the scoop on the 2004 about how the scene is shaping up for the 2004 season.

Mutiny Endurance Series Review
Mutiny Wakeskates is back at it again and has recently sent the new Endurance Series wakeskate to try out. The Endurance Series is the latest skate designed by Erich Schmaltz of Mutiny Wakeskates.

Snap: A Wakeskate Instructional DVD Review
Snap: A Wakeskate Instructional is the latest release from Bump Films. Snap is a full wakeskate instructional video that will walk you through the ends and outs of wakeskating. There are also some bonus features with plenty of sick riding.

Kampus Swing Series Review
Kampus Wakeskates continues to break into the wakeskating market with some new flavor. Kampus recently introduced the Swing Series wakeskates. See what we thought about the Swing Series from Kampus.

3Thirteen Bling Wakeskate Shoe Review
3Thirteen Footwear's Bling wakeskate shoe has arrived. This shoe has a whole host of features specifically designed with the wakeskater in mind. From the quick drain sole to the inner sock, this shoe has the works.

Cassette 4-Track Review
Read our take on Cassette's new board, the 4-Track. Cassette has once again been the first to bring us a board with new features to help improve your riding and open up new avenues in wakeskating.

Butter: The Book
Butter: The Book is avaiable to buy. If you would like a copy of your own, order soon as this limited edition issue will not be available for ever. Butter: The Book is 100% wakeskating content.

Epik Wakeskate Shoe Review
One of the problems with wakeskating is finding the right shoe for the job. Well, the first wakeskate-specific shoe made by Epik gets the job done.

Hyperlite Grubb Wakeskate Review
Unquestionably one of the top wakeskaters in the world, Brian Grubb has been all over the wakeskating scene lately, so naturally we should review his pro model wakeskate right?

Linear Perspective Video Review
Wakeskating has been blowing up over the past couple of years, and Cassette is again leading the charge by putting out the first all-wakeskating video, Linear Perspective.

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