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Surface 180 Shuvit
Rider: Dave Barousse

The surface 180 shuvit is a combination of a surface 180 into a pop shuvit. This trick can be performed with a frontside or backside surface 180 into a frontside or backside pop shuvit. The level of difficulty is not very high for this trick, but it can be tricky when trying to execute the combination quickly. The goal is to combine the two tricks as quick as possible with minimal riding time between each. The surface 180 shuvit is a fun trick to do and will be a simple yet impressive trick in your arsenal of maneuvers. This trick also shows the versatility of wakeskating and how you can link tricks together.

Before trying the Surface 180 Shuvit you should be able to do the following things:
1. Ride switch
2. A surface 180 (frontside or backside)
3. A pop shuvit (frontside or backside)

Performing the trick
Watch this trick as a Quicktime movie (369kb) or as a Windows Media movie (216kb).

  • To set up for this trick, slide around and ride switch. Cut out on your toeside edge into the flats until you are a comfortable distance out to perform the trick. Let go with your front hand to set up for the surface 180.

    Surface 180 Shuvit #1

  • Put most of your weight on your front foot to make the surface 180 slide around quick and easy. You may want to practice just the 180 a few times until you can get it to slide around fairly quick. As the 180 starts to come around, start shifting your weight back to your back foot to set up for the shuvit part of the trick. It will all flow together once you get this part in sync.

    Surface 180 Shuvit #2

  • As soon as you feel you feel comfortable, execute the pop shuvit. It will feel the same as a regular pop shuvit, but it will feel a little rushed. Try to keep your board flat when coming around on the 180 because your shuvit may get out of wack if your board is on an edge.

    Surface 180 Shuvit #3

  • Keep your eyes on your board and stick your feet where it looks like your board will land. This should feel the same as a normal pop shuvit.

    Surface 180 Shuvit #4

  • Stomp your board back down on the water and ride away.

    Surface 180 Shuvit #5

    Style additions
    1. The quicker the better
    2. Mix it up with frontside and backside
    3. Start off regular and slide into a switch pop shuvit

    Moving On
    The Surface 180 Shuvit will help you get your creative juices flowing and realize the endless possibilities of wakeskating. It will also help you with linking other tricks together in the future.

    If you have specific questions about this trick or would like to discuss it further, talk about it in the Wakeskate Talk Forum.

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