Rider: Leif Erkkila
More and more people are spending more and more time on the wakeskate these days. As riders master tricks, we naturally look for new challenges and variations on the tricks we do. The following is an instructional for the frontside shuvit, a simple variation of the regular backside shuvit, the staple foot trick of wakeskating.
Before trying the Frontside Pop Shuvit you should be able to do the following
1. Cut outside of the wakes
2. Be able to ollie the board and land in control
3. Be able to do frontside ollies off the wake
Performing the trick
Watch this trick as a Quicktime movie (304kb) or
as a Windows Media movie (366kb).
This trick can be done on the lip of the wake or out in the flats. Start with all the normal basics - rope in at the waist, bent knees, weight back slightly, and standing tall at the waist.
With the rope tight, initiate your ollie like you want to do a frontside ollie 180.
As the board pops off of the water, give a good forward "shove" with your back foot, initiating the rotation of the board and pushing it out in front of you slightly. Remember to keep the rope tight.
Suck up your knees and watch the board come around. Keep that rope tight.
Try to catch the board in the air with good foot position.
Land with soft knees and ride away.
Style additions
1. Pop it up high
2. Do it over something
3. Learn it switch
Moving On
The Frontside Pop Shuvit helps you do the following harder tricks:
1. Pop shuvit to boardslide
2. 360 frontside pop shuvit
3. Backside pop shuvit
4. Wake to wake board varial
If you have specific questions about this trick or would like to discuss it further, talk about it in the Wakeskate Talk Forum.
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