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Backside Pop Shuvit
Rider: Dave Barousse

A backside pop shuvit is a very exciting trick to learn and is usually one of the first "skate-style" tricks learned by most wakeskaters. It is fairly easy for most people who have a basic skateboarding background and not very far out of reach for those who don't. Your foot placement is one of the most important parts of the trick. You can perform this trick in the flats, right outside of the wake or you can even use the wake as an aid to help you get more pop. We recommend learning this trick in the flats first, and then moving on to different variations.

Before trying the Backside Pop Shuvit you should be able to do the following things:
1. Cut outside of the wakes
2. Be able to ollie the board and land in control

Performing the trick
Watch this trick as a Quicktime movie (255kb) or as a Windows Media movie (179kb).

  • Cut outside of the wake about 10 to 15 feet and flatten out. Set up your foot position to make the board perform a backside spin. If you are right foot forward, your right foot will be on the right side of the board towards the front and your left foot should be on the left side of the board towards the back with your toes almost hanging off of the board. Obviously you will be opposite if you ride left foot forward. This position will allow you to pop the board up and spin it with your back foot while using your front foot as a guide.

    Backside Pop Shuvit #1

  • Make sure you are not on an edge and put your weight on your back foot. In an all in one motion, pop the board up by releasing your weight off of your back foot and jumping up, kick your back foot behind you to make the board spin, guide it for a second with your front foot, then get both of your feet out of the way so the board can spin under you.

    Backside Pop Shuvit #2

  • Remember that you are traveling at 18 to 20 mph, so you will need to jump to where your board is going to be, and not where it currently is. Keep your eyes on your board and watch what it is doing. When the board makes the full 180 under you, put your feet back down to catch the board and land on top of it riding away.

    Backside Pop Shuvit #3

  • As you are riding away, position your feet back to normal and prepare for your next trick.

    Backside Pop Shuvit #4

    Style additions
    1. Pop it up high
    2. Do it over something
    3. Learn it switch

    Moving On
    The Backside Pop Shuvit helps you do the following harder tricks:
    1. Pop shuvit to boardslide
    2. 360 backside pop shuvit
    3. Frontside pop shuvit
    4. Wake to wake board varial

    If you have specific questions about this trick or would like to discuss it further, talk about it in the Wakeskate Talk Forum.

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