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Photo Galleries

Human Trailers Photo Album
Ivan Mennim from Red Bull New Zealand passed along a collection of photos by Josh Letchworth from the Human Trailers project.

Esoteric Photographic Essay
David Hanson passed along some photographs that were shot during the filming of Esoteric. However, don't look directly at them, as they're liable to turn you to stone...

Red Bull Step-Up Project
Red Bull built a huge slider in Hidden Valley New Zealand and then invited some of the top professional wakeskaters out for a week of documenting them riding on the contraption.

2004 Wakestock Photos member, Pj Gorath, submitted some action shots of the pro wakeskaters at Wakestock 2004 sessioning the 15 stair set handrails.

Photos From 2003 World Championships
Jaysin Smith of the WWSA provided with some photos that he took at Worlds held at the Orlando Watersports Complex. Riders in the photos include Brandon Thomas, Thomas Horrell and a video clip of Brian Grubb.

Jono Boysen Photos
Jono Boysen, a 17 year old ripper from Ontario, Canada, submitted some pictures of himself in action. Jono also did some nice editing work on some of the photos with sequence shots and artistic effects.

Photos From Detroit Tour Stop
Kirk Berryman provided with some photos from the second stop of the Sea Doo Watercraft Pro Wakeskate Series that took place in Detroit, Michigan. Check out the hot action from the stop.

Photos From Orlando Wakeskate Tour Stop
Jason Lee provided us with some photos he took at the Sea-Doo Pro Wakeskate Series tour stop in Orlando, FL. Riders in the photos include Thomass Horrell, Aaron Reed, Scott Byerly and more.

Photos Of Clint Tompkins visitor, Clint Tompkins, submitted some pictures of himself wakeskating. Triks included in the pictures are board varials off of a kicker, board slides and one footed indy grabs.

Jason Lee Photography With Grubb and Ruck
Look through the eye of Jason Lee and see Brian Grubb and Erick Ruck wakeskating. Jason is an inspiring amateur photographer and also an avid wakeskater.

Rail Sequence Of Leif Erkkila
Leif Erkkila sent in a sequence shot of himself hitting a slider. Notice the cast on his arm covered in plastic. The picture was shot by Aaron Aubrey and the sequence was designed and created by Fil Lowe.

Wakeskating On The Bayou
Take a trip out on the bayou with South Louisiana wakeskaters Tony Berard and Dave Barousse. These pictures were taken during an afternoon session right before a rain storm.

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