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Poster: Iamjesse  (see this users gallery)

1 run trying to land front side big spins wake 2 wake. I landed one today on the board rode away and slipped out the back but didny get it on tape!!! But i am yet to land it and ride away clean. I will land it soon though. Tell me what you think....

The editing is realy screwed up, my computer was going really slow and kept skipping so i coudlnt eally tell how it was going to turn out.
· Date: Sun August 7, 2005 · Views: 24352 ·
Rating: ********* 9.00
Keywords: Jesse Landry - wake 2 bigspin attemps
Photographer: Ben
Location: Clear Creek
Rider: Jesse Landry


Registered: March 2005
Posts: 984
Mon August 15, 2005 11:26am Rating: 9.00 

try not to poke at the landing. i guess try to indy it and keep ur knees sucked up so u dont slip out.

Registered: July 2005
Posts: 14
Wed August 17, 2005 8:14pm Rating: 9.00 

sick dude post it up when you land it

Registered: September 2003
Posts: 1669
Thu August 18, 2005 1:11am

Sick bro. You'll get it soon. Maybe try leaning over your toes when you ignitiate the fs big. That way you'll be over your toes and on top of your board as you descend and land.

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